Create an Order of Merit
An Order of Merit (OOM) is a summation of results for several tournaments during the season.
Each club can create its own OOM where results from several tournaments count. You can create as many OOM you wan't, and each OOM can be assessed using various scoring types like stableford, gross, net etc.
Start by logging on to the tournament module and click "ORDER OF MERITS"
To the right you can see an overview of existing OOM in your club.
To create a new OOM, click on "Create Order of Merit" in the top left.
Step 1 of 2
1. Enter the name of the OOM
2. Choose season
3. Select type - Player (individual) or team (can not be changed afterwards)
4. Click Next
NOTE ... It is important that the name you choose for your OOM is one you can recognize, as it is the name you search for when you subsequently need to connect the OOM to a tournament.
NOTE ... In a Team OOM the team name must be exactly the same in every tournament for the result to be summarized correctly on the team in the OOM. If the team name is not exactly the same, the team cannot be recognized, and will therefore stand as two different teams in the OOM. If this happens, you can then manually move the result from one team to another in the OOM.
Step 2 of 2
Here you select the type of result to be transferred to your OOM and the calculation method to be used.
Types of Order of Merit
There are six different types of results that can be transferred (explained further below):
- Most Prize Money
- Most Points (must NOT be mistaken with Stableford Score)
- Lowest Gross Score
- Lowest Nett Score
- Highest Stableford Score
- Highest Modified Stableford Score
1. Most Prize Money
This type is used if you play for money in a tournament. If you select this type of OOM, you must then set up the individual tournaments with a total prize fund and the amount of money that should go to no. 1, 2, 3 and so on.
2. Most Points
This type is used if you assign points for placement in a tournament. Ex. the no. 1 in a tournament gets 10 points, no. 2 gets 9 points and so on. Selecting this type of OOM you must also subsequently set up the individual tournaments with the amount of points to award to the respective placings.
3. Lowest Gross Score
This type transfers gross score to OOM, and are sorted so that the player with the fewest number of strokes is places at the top.
4. Lowest Nett Score
This type transfers nett score to OOM, and are sorted so that the player with the fewest number of strokes is placed at the top.
5. Highest Stableford Score
This type transfers the players stableford score to OOM
6. Highest Modified Stableford Score
This type transfers the players modified stableford score to OOM
After selecting the type of result to be transferred to OOM, you need to select if the placings on the OOM should be calculated as "Sum", "Average" or "Eclectic"
"Sum" and "Average"
Calculated as the total sum or average in relate to the number of registrations on the OOM respectively.
Is an expression of a dream round. The result is calculated as the best result the player has achieved on each hole, across all rounds, either in terms of number of strokes or score. Therefore, it is required in an eclectic OOM that the player has a result entered per hole, which means that this type of OOM cannot be used if you have chosen the type "Most Prize Money" or "Most Points", since these types do not transfer a result per hole, but a total amount of money/points.
Additional settings
Once you have created an OOM you must make some additional settings. This is done by clicking on the blue triangle next to the OOM and select EDIT
Now you can choose from four tabs: GENERAL, SETTINGS, LIMITS AND PUBLISHING
Here you can change the name of the OOM and what season it relates to. You can also upload a logo, ex. sponsor logo which will appear online in the upper right corner, just like logos in a tournament.
Here you can change the calculation method that you originally selected when creating the OOM.
NOTE ... You CANNOT change the type once an OOM is created.
You can also choose whether the OOM should be open for new results and open for external results from all other clubs
Here you can choose which results shall be included on the OOM. If you for example chooses only to include the 10 best results and there are 15 tournaments linked to the OOM, then players who play more than 10 tournaments, will have their 5 worst results removed, since only the 10 best results are included. There can also be selected among the worst results to be included or a combination of both best and worst results.
If you create many different OOM and the same limit settings shall apply to all of them, you can add a result category (template), which you can select on each OOM.
You can also select a minimum of results required, for a player to count on OOM.
Finally, you can also limit players by birth year. If for example the OOM is for men, where juniors are eligible to play in the men’s tournaments, but should not count on the men’s OOM, you can limit the OOM to only include players born in a given year interval.
Here you can select if the OOM shall be visible to the public online or not, and what type of information is shown on the OOM in addition to the results.
Now the OOM is created. Now you need to link the OOM to the tournaments and classes that shall count on the OOM. This is described in another manual.
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