Thank you for signing up to GolfBox Tournament TRIAL - we hope that we live up to your exceptions and will be able to continue working with you in the future.
First it is important to know that there are a few limitations with the trial licenses.
- It will not be possible signup players from the different union databases in quick signup or excel signup.
- It will not be possible to send messages or publish teetimes.
- It will not be possible to send scores for handicap adjustments
Once you know these few limitations, its time to get started.
Start the setup
Click on tournaments and then Create New at the top right corner.
To start a tournament quickly, you should select one of the templates available for easy setup. You can always add classes later, both individual and team classes.
The left side of the setup is where everything related to playing a tournament is setup and the right side is "everything" else.
Run through each point in the setup and make changes if needed.
Basic is start and end date, categories (mens section, ladies sections etc) and where a password can be set for each tournament.
Classes decides who can enter and who cannot enter - the more restrictions there are in the setup under classes, the harder it will be to enter the competition.
In classes you can setup both individual and team classes.
Courses search for a course in the countries where we have course info or create the course manually. Courses can also be copied from other tournaments. A men's and women's tee is required at the moment.
Course starts the time and date for the round or rounds played.
Rounds and format is where you decide how to play the tournament, stableford, strokeplay, fourball or greensome. You also decide the handicap factor and everything else that has to do with the result of the tournament.
Decisions is where you decide how the tournament is won in case of tied positions.
Cut is only applicable in tournaments with more than one round.
On the right side of the setup you can control everything that does not have anything to do with the specifics to playing a tournament, such as signup dates, amount to pay for playing.
Under Signing Up you setup your specific dates, fee, questions when signing up and much more.
Under Publishing you choose what to show online and find the link for the livescoring site.
Under Contacts you can setup contact information for reference, tournament directors and whoever you want contact information for.
Under Order of Merits you can attach a class to a specific Order of Merit
Under Logins you can send a login to an administrator off site, so they have access to one specific tournament and only this one specific tournament. A very powerful tool if you create a lot of tournaments with different administrators.
Once the tournament details have been setup, it is time to sign up players.
Click on the Entries tab to start signing up players. For the Trial, online signup has been disabled as well as quick signup. In the non trial versions you can sign up online with information directly from the unions where we have access to the database. This also applies to quick signup.
In the top left corner there are 4 options of signing up entries, in the trial version the manual option and the excel import option are available.
To quickly signup a number of players, we recommend you download the signup template and import this afterwards.
You have different lists in the signup window and you will be able to control your field selection if you have set a maximum number of players in the class setup.
Under startlists you must create a startlist for each course start. Start by opening the course start and select Create setup.
Follow the 3 point guide and either choose a template or create a manual setup by choosing No Template. If you have a team competition, you should choose that the teams should play together.
Once the startlist has been created, you can edit the startlist and manually drag and drop players around if need be.
If the startlist is published, it will be possible to send e-mails and SMS (for a small fee) messages to all the players in the startlist, providing there is an e-mail address or mobile number on the player entries. This is not available in the trial version.
Once the startlist has been created, it is now possible to open the scoring and start entering scores. The players can be searched by either player number or name and the cursor will jump from hole to hole when entering scores. To enter dobbelt digits just hold down the first number and quickly type the next.
The scoring window will constantly keep you updated on the percentage of scores that you have inserted, thus you can easily see your progress.
For the non trial version, we also have a livescoring page prepared and optimized for tablets. This will include an option to have a "live" Pace of Play for the referees based on the livescoring OR pin in hole. This will not be available for the trial version.
From everywhere in the tournament, it is possible to access reports, just click on the Report tab and get started. Our reports can currently be export to word or CSV files but will soon be expanded to PDF or Excel, where this makes sense to do so.
Please note that we fully support the 2 latest versions of Microsoft Office and there may be limitations on older versions.
This is only a quick guide and does not cover all scenarios - please contact GolfBox Support @ if you have any questions regarding this trial or the tournament system in general.
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